Uncomfortable & Inspired: My Kauffman Fellows Experience
By: Camila Noordeloos
Two years ago, 59 of us embarked on a new adventure: the Kauffman Fellows program. Last week, we “graduated” and closed the chapter of quarterly trips to meet in-person and learn from each other and many impressive industry leaders. But as our very own British OG, Jon Bradford, would say, this is just the “end of the beginning”.
And thank goodness this is just the end of the beginning… Who would like to end the incredible relationships created, the hard moments of vulnerability, the access to actually helpful information and knowledge from each other and all the other 900+ Kauffman Fellows around the world? This is just a new chapter that I’m grateful to be part of.
Through these 2 years, as Ita Ekpoudom said very well during her speech, “we brought all of ourselves to this program”. We cracked the ego-driven shelves of our industry to be vulnerable and share our weaknesses, so we could foster meaningful conversations and deeper connections. This is the power of Kauffman Fellow, and I haven’t seen authentic connections at this level anywhere else.

As I reflect over these past two years, I realize that every module left me feeling both uncomfortable and inspired.
Although feeling uncomfortable might not be the initial desire, it is a must for growth. As Jeff Harbach told us on our very first day, “there is no growth in the comfort zone, and no comfort in the growth zone.” Every time we met I grew. It could have been from the smallest interaction during breakfast or during a deep structured content piece, but I came home a better, more informed, challenged person. Rather that was from interactions with a manager from a fund much larger and established than mine, or from managers starting their very first fund, the impact felt the same.
I also always came home inspired. Yes, inspired and motivated to be and do better. Inspired from seeing so many stories of hardship, grit, and push through. Inspired by the people around me that today I call friends. Thank you Natasha Funk for creating the best class I could ask for. And thank you to the whole Kauffman crew, both old and new, who works tirelessly to make this program unforgettable.
I leave this reflection with an immense sense of gratitude. As Caio Bolognesi, my Brazilian compatriot, said “there is no bigger privilege than being yourself”. Kauffman Fellows pushes you to be just that, the best authentic version of yourself so that you can be the best venture capitalist and human you are meant to be. I am so grateful to be part of this!
And finally, after mentioning so many other quotes, I could not help myself to not mention my big idol’s latest one. In his recent Hall of Fame speech, Tom Brady said “nothing of significance in life is accomplished as an individual”. I am a true believer of that. Kauffman was my wish, my goal, my experience. But I know that in order for me to be present at every module I had a village supporting me. So I thank every single person involved in the smallest detail to make this possible. A special call out to my team at Grand Ventures for taking everything off of my plate during my modules. And, most importantly, thanks to my husband and partner in life for literally holding down the fort and dealing with a challenging period of parenthood as he cared for our toddler and a newborn/baby during so many of these long trips. As with many other things, I could not have done it without him.
I am looking forward to the next chapter of my career surrounded by these incredible people who make me, our firm, and portfolio companies better.